
Fitness is my passion! I love working out and writing effective workout programs that you can do at home or in a gym. Are you looking to burn fat or build lean muscle mass? Whatever your fitness goals are I have a solution for you! I offer multiple fitness options to help you create and maintain a healthy lifestyle that you can enjoy! Check out my blog for workouts, inspiration and motivation. Check out my shop for full programs.

All of my programs are designed in a way that are progressive in nature and will allow you to start where you are at so you can truly gain strength from the inside out. My programs are also created based on science and research. When performed correctly a good fitness program will help you correct muscle imbalances, perform daily activities of life with ease, decrease pain overall; helping you to function efficiently and effectively  in your day to day life with comfort and confidence.



Learn how to eat to fuel your body, promote gut health, decrease inflammation and gain health from the inside out. Learn how to eat in a way that is natural for you. I offer a basic nutrition overview to help you learn how you can eat healthy without restrictive diets. I teach the If It Fits Your Macro System which will help you create balanced meals that will turn your body into a muscle building, fat burning machine!


Would you like to have a one on one session to help you set your goals? Do you need some extra motivation? Would you like to chat monthly so you can stay on track? Let's talk and together we can overcome obstacles, avoid plateaus, and stay motivated while enjoying the process. I want to help you so that you can make informed decisions about your health that fit your lifestyle, while  helping you reach your goals and enjoy life!

Living a healthy, happy & balanced life can be simple and fun!

Heather Oliver Fitness is dedicated to helping others live a healthy lifestyle that can be easily maintained. I focus on health from the inside out, with the goal to help you create a whole, healthy, balanced and joyful life that you can stick with and that you want to stick with.

I know you don't have a lot of time so I won't waste what precious time you share with me. Health and fitness have been made out to be grueling, full of self-sacrifice and misery when it doesn't  have to be this way. Living a healthy lifestyle can be fun and desirable when working on health from the inside out. When you make choices because you want to, not because you have to. Working on ourselves from the inside out will help us make choices that we truly desire!

Like I said, we won't waste time. That is the secret.... to make informed decisions and make choices because you feel that is what is best for you. Making the choice is easy, when you want to do it.

With me as your coach, I will help you discover things about yourself and your body that will let you know you are ultimately in control and you can make good choices to get the results you want! You will discover which food effects you and how it effects you, either positively or negatively. I will coach you to discover which type of exercises you need to reduce your back pain while also getting you the results you want.

Let's face it....what you really want is to just be comfortable in your own skin, without sacrificing a whole lot of time or giving up all the food you love. I am here to tell you, you don't have to!

I can help you navigate the path of health and fitness. I will coach you and share with you my knowledge so you can figure out what works and doesn't work for you. You have more control than you ever thought over your overall health.

With the right knowledge you will start to make informed decisions. You will find a deeper motivation to tackle the root of any issue that may be holding you back from living your healthiest and happiest life.

I will help you discover real solutions and options that can be implemented and used for the rest of your life. A way of health that fits your lifestyle.

You will gain your health back as well as an inner self confidence as you learn how to navigate through life with assurance that you are equipped and able to lead a life of good health! We will work together as I share the knowledge I have learned and gained over the years to help you create a plan of action that works for you.


I am a Certified Personal Trainer with ACTION, I have been NASM (National Academy Of Sports Medicine) certified and have been in the fitness industry for over 10 years. I am CPR Certified and am certified as an Online Coach. I also hold a Certification in Power Lifting and a Certificate in Advanced Nutrition.

I went to Shenandoah University and earned my BA in Psychology.

I played sports most of my life and played Lacrosse in College earning an NCAA Championship award in 2005.

Black Creek 5K