What 38 Years has Taught Me

Suwanee River 12/19/2020 Early Morning
Suwanee River 12/19/2020 Early Morning
Canoe Trip with my man
Canoe Trip with my man
Climbing the banks of the Suwanee
Climbing the banks of the Suwanee
Beautiful Water Lilies
Beautiful Water Lilies

What 38 years has taught me:

For my 38th birthday we rented a cabin near the Suwanee River. It was so great to unplug for a few days. This trip encapsulated what life has taught me over the years:

1. I need Jesus every day and life is so much better with Him in it. His Salvation and Grace have bought me a peace I never knew and a conviction to keep growing.

2. Life is a never ending obstacle course - make the most of overcoming the hurtles.

3. You don't need to be busy all the time to be successful - A little bit every day goes a long way

4. Man may make plans but the Lord directs his steps. - ultimately God is in control,not me. Through all of 2020 i have rested on God's sovereignty knowing and trusting He is in control.

5. Enjoy the mundane. Everyday we have tasks to complete whether we want to or not learn to enjoy them! Light a candle, spray some smell good stuff, put on relaxing music before the chore at hand. Create an enviromment you want to work in.

6. Zone cleaning works for me - I hate to clean or at least I used to. Once I decided to clean one room a day, the overwhelming duty became more doable. Now my house isn't perfect but its back to #5 - I enjoy this system which makes it easier to accomplish.

7. Get outside as much as possible!! This year I came across an account called 1000 hours outside which is the idea of generally spending about 3 hours a day outside...I have loosely taken on this challenge and have yet to regret it. The vitamin D, fresh air, exploration and discoveries, its great for me and the kids!

8. Read, read and read some more. - I love actual books and have stacks all over.
Read to learn, read for fun, read aloud to your kids, read to help you fall asleep, read whenever you can.

9. It is important to learn how to garden. - This year we harvested about 7 jalapenos. For many that is nothing to celebrate but compared to last years 1 I was stoked! Yet it makes me think about what a basic skill growing our own food should be and what its not. Something I have been and will continue to work on.

10. I don't need to argue or prove anything to anybody. I know who I am and what I stand for, if someone assumes something about me - that is fine. We shouldn't need validation from others if we are being true to ourselves.

Me and my crew
Me and my crew

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