Quick Fat Burning Workout

Pressed for Time?

No worries! I got you! I had only 18 minutes yesterday to workout and got in 4 rounds of this circuit!!

Grab 1 Dumbbell or Kettlebell that's challenging and lets get to work!!



  • Perform Each move back to back with little rest in between each move
  • Rest for 30 seconds at end of circuit
  • Repeat the circuit 3x-5x



1. High Knees 50x
2. Butt Kicks 50x
3. Quick Burpees 10x
4. Weighted Squat 5x
5. Deadlifts 5x
6. Split Lunge 5x/side
7. Alternating Back Lunge 10x
8. Skaters 10x
9. Single Leg Hops 5x/side


#momswholift​ #FitMom​ #Fitmommy​ #strongmomsrock​ #momsandkettlebells

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