Body Image Starts Within

How we see ourselves, starts with how we think about ourselves.

A healthy body image is important for any woman to feel comfortable in her own skin.

A healthy body image starts in the mind. How are you talking to yourself? What are your daily habits?

I used to beat myself. I was way too hard on myself and would exercise multiple times a day and hardly eat. I never got the results I wanted and mentally i was miserable. I was running in circles for no reason.



Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Over the course of having kids and watching my body change and do things completely out of my control I learned I had to to stop trying to control what I couldn't control.

I got rid of the scale. I studied more about nutrition and implemented what I learned. I did less cardio. I gave myself grace and flexibility and went at my pace. I started to pay attention and focus on what I could control.

Feeling healthy and comfortable in your own skin has nothing to do with how you look on outside and everything to do with how you are on the inside.

Once I l started talking more positively to myself and taking off the pressure, my beliefs and my habits started to align and I began to feel good inside and out.

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Cheer yourself on and keep the promises you make to yourself and others. Be consistent and put in the effort. Have fun along the way. Fitness is a journey not a destination!

#Healthstartsinside #healinghealth #lovethejourney #fitnessjourney #exercisekeepsmesane #ilovefitness #strength #momswholift #momstrong #AlwaysLearning #alwaysgrowing #knowbetterdobetter


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