
My Vision

Women's health is important to me. As a women myself, I have a passion to help women use fitness as a tool to create a healthy lifestyle they enjoy. I understand what it is like to be pregnant, have small children and not only want, but need to be healthy. It isn't easy so I am here to make it as easy as possible! I want to help women gain an inner confidence and sense of self worth and value, that will then inspire, encourage and motivate them to live a healthy lifestyle out of choice and joy!!

My Mission

My mission is to help as many woman as I can take their health into their own hands. I want to help women reach their health and fitness goals with joy. I use effective and scientifically proven program designs alongside with motivational coaching to help women get the results they desire safely and effectively and without feeling like they are living a restrictive lifestyle.

About Me:

Born and raised in NJ somehow I have ended up living in a country town, that still sports dirt roads, in the North East part of Florida. I am a home school mom to my 3 kiddos, ranging in age from 5 - 12. I amĀ  a wife, married to a man who works hard for his family and I am so thankful for that!

I love nature and enjoy hiking. Yard work is fun probably because it is a break from house work LOL.

I love spending time with my family and I also love spending my time reading and learning new things.

I enjoy the simple things in life and try to be as present as possible. Life is surely a journey with many up and downs and I am thankful for all of it!

I hold a BA in Psychology and have been a certified personal trainer for over 10 years.