9 Foods to Boost Immunity

You are what you eat! In 1826 Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are!”

And he was 100% correct. Your body literally takes the foods you eat, breaks it down and uses what is available to meet the needs of the body. The better the quality the food you eat, the more nutrients your body will receive to meet the body’s requirements properly.

Eating foods packed with vitamins and nutrients is a great way to boost your immunity and strengthen your body’s defense mechanism against infections and disease.

Here are 9 foods that will keep you healthy and strong all year long;

1. Green Tea – Known for its antiviral properties a warm cup of green tea can increase your Regulatory T cell count which plays a key role in immune function.

2. Elderberry – Rich in antioxidants this fruit is great for decreasing inflammation and is known to help ease cold and flu symptoms.

3. Garlic – Not only does garlic add a delicious flavor to any meal it is great for you! It is antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal! Garlic is known to fight infections.

4. Citrus Fruits – Citrus Fruits are known for their Vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to boost the immune system by increasing white blood cell production which helps fight infections.

5. Ginger – Reduces inflammation which can help fight against inflammatory diseases. Also known to help relieve sore throats.

6. Spinach – Best raw or very lightly cooked, Spinach is packed with Vitamin A,C, & E, antioxidants and beta carotene helping boost the immune system and replenishing the blood cells.

7. Broccoli – Similar to Spinach, Broccoli is packed with Vitamin A, C & E and antioxidants. Broccoli is also a great source of fiber, which is important for gut health which supports the immune system.

8. Red Bell Peppers – Did you know Red Bell Peppers have 3x the amount of Vitamin C found in an orange!? The body does not store Vitamin C, it will only utilize what it needs then dispensing the rest; so it’s important to get your Vitamin C daily.

9. Greek Yogurt – the plain kind is best with less sugar; Greek Yogurt is great for maintaining proper gut health since it is full of probiotics. Probiotics are Live active cultures that are important to keeping our guts balanced and healthy. Greek Yogurt also has Vitamin D which is known to help regulate the immune system.


Add some of these foods to your daily eating plan for a healthy and strong body!

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